Thursday, September 22, 2016

Checking In

I'm not sure how personal to get on this blog, since it's more about making stuff and reviews and things. But for anyone reading, I just wanted to check in and say that I've been MIA due to some pregnancy difficulties, and just haven't been able to keep up here.  

I definitely plan to continue blogging! I feel like there's a lot to be shared, and we can all benefit from each other's experiences. While I've been away from the blog, I've still been making things here and there, that I'm excited to share. A few examples:

Baby is coming soon! And while that means my mobility is much more limited now (in fact, I'm typing this up on my phone in a supine position, instead of on my computer), and there will be a time when I will be focusing on a new baby instead of a blog, I'll try to post a few things as I have the opportunity.

Thanks for checking in, and I hope to have something more exciting here soon!

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