Monday, June 6, 2016

DIY: Reusable Nursing Pads

I recently made a few video tutorials for contoured reusable nursing pads that I thought I'd also share here.

I've been using reusable nursing pads for the last 2 babies, but didn't like the styles.  Mine were all purchased on, before I really got into sewing much.  They are flat circles, with a serged edge.  They worked fine, and I never had any leaking issues.  The problem was that because they were just flat, you could really see them through my clothes, and they flattened out my poor chest pretty badly.  They were not flattering or discreet in any way.  Once I started sewing, I looked into making my own, but the tutorials that I found online were almost all the same style.  I did find a few tutorials for a "contoured" nursing pad, but the contour was created by making a dart.  You would cut a triangle out of the side of the circle, then stitch the triangle closed.  This made a cone-shaped nursing pad.  I really didn't want to look like a breastfeeding, 1980's/1990's Madonna.  So I recently did some research. I hunted around online and purchased and tried out some patterns.  Some of them were awesome, and I'll share links another time.  

I wanted to figure out a pattern that would be free, easy for a beginning sewer to make, one that would be discreet (with a real contoured shape, not a cone shape), effective, and that could be made with readily available and inexpensive materials.  Once I got the videos done, I realized there were a few things I could have done a little differently (like cutting the pattern from just one piece of paper), but whatever! You'll get the idea.

In the videos, I show you how to make your own pattern, cut out the fabric, and assemble the pads.  And I talk a little bit about fabric choices.  I haven't learned yet how to edit videos, so these are a little on the long side. But they're broken up so that you can watch just the segment that is relevant to you at the moment, and creating your own pattern and pad will go much faster than the videos!

And here they are, in viewing order.

Creating the pattern:

Cutting the fabric: 
Assembling the pad:

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